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Resume editing tips: How to make your resume look really professional

Dec 12 2016

Resume editing tips: How to make your resume look really professional

Editing your resume is one of the most important things you could ever do in life because doing so will help you secure a job. Remember, competition for jobs is heating up in this harsh economic environment. You need an edge over your competitors and writing a professional resume is not enough. Instead, you have to edit it so that it tips the balance in your favor. Employers will use it to evaluate your worthiness. You will not get the job if they feel that your resume is unprofessional.

Use these editing tips to make your resume look professional:

  • Edit the Resume to Make Sure That You Have Not Missed Any Critical Information

Can you imagine reading a document and then realizing that essential details are missing from it? For example, does your resume contain your contact information? Is your previous work experience detailed? Does it include your education background? Are the facts in the document accurate? Your resume is not a professional one if it excludes critical details or if it includes inaccurate information. Proofread it several times to make sure that is contains everything your employer needs to know about you including your career summary and objective.

  • Edit the Size of the Resume If It Is Too Long

Look at your resume. Does it have lengthy paragraphs? Edit it if it does. The paragraphs should be short. You should also examine its readability i.e. can someone skim through it? Remember, human resources managers are busy. They do not have time to read in-between the lines. Include more headings if it seems as though it does not communicate the main points of your resume.

  • Edit the Resume to Make Sure That Is Has the Right Tone

Does your resume have a sober tone? It should. Remove all the clichés that are present in the document if it does not convey the right tone to your potential employer. Remember, hundreds of individuals could be applying for the same position. Your words should set you apart from all of them, but that is not possible if your resume contains clichés. Instead, you should use facts to highlight your successes instead of using numerous adjectives. Doing so helps you communicate to your potential employer effectively. That means you have to

  • Edit the Content of the Resume to Make Sure That It Is Relevant

Having a general resume is a good idea if you are sending bulk applications. However, specific jobs require specific documents that are highly relevant to the job in question. That means you have to edit your general resume when you are responding to a specific job advertisement. Check the jargon you use as you apply for the vacancy. Does it include terms and phrases commonly used in that industry? Edit it if it does not.

  • Edit out any Artistic elements in the Resume

Some people add multiple colors to the document. Others use stylistic fonts while a few include fancy bullets or lines in their resume. You should not make the same mistake. Instead, keep it as simple as possible so that it looks like a professional wrote it. You can do that by editing out any of these artistic elements in your resume.

As you can now tell, editing a resume is a difficult task. It takes time, effort, and a lot of thought. However, it is all worthwhile. The best way of making sure that you get it right is by consulting a resume editing service. This kind of person understands what your potential employer wants. He also knows how you can edit your resume to reflect those wants. You may ignore errors that an expert will not miss. Consult someone with experience and a proven record of accomplishment.