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The Perfect Logo Design Tips for Knowmads

Oct 12 2020

The term knowmad isn’t quite new, but even so knowmads are the now and the future in a number of sectors, not just business. If you pride yourself in being one, then why not take the steps to market yourself as a knowmad? To get this done, use these logo design tips to create the perfect knowmad brand.

What Are Knowmads?

Knowmad is a term you may have heard or come across, but maybe you didn’t fully understand what it means. The term was created by John Moravec, a researcher on the future of work and education, to explain what he calls a nomadic knowledge worker. He explains that before industrialization, nomads would uproot their lives and move with all of their belongings to a new place rather than settling in one location. When industrialization arrived, this shifted the way people did things completely. With industrialization came settlement and the rise of the worker who specialized in one specific thing. This resulted in people learning to perform a specific function and staying put performing that one function.

Currently, though, that is not something that is valuable to modern businesses and companies. Instead, what many businesses, just like us at CraftResumes, look for in their employees and collaborators are qualities that have to do with a wider pool of knowledge and innovation. Employees may no longer be expected to focus on a single task, perform a specific function, or work from a fixed place or location. This gives way to a worker who is creative, innovative, and who has an easier time collaborating with others. Because they have an incredible ability to adapt and thrive in different environments, knowmads really know no limits. This is a clear shift from the traditional workplace and job descriptions which were the norm in the past.

You may have noticed that it’s becoming more and more normal for people to work from home or remotely. This is definitely a trait of changing workplaces to make room for knowmads and their less traditional way of working. As a result, workers are able to adapt to different work environments and interact or even collaborate with people of many backgrounds. This, of course, can lead to more creativity, a broader perspective, and a more diverse pool of ideas.

Imagine a coworking space where people from different industries get their work done while also stopping to interact with each other. Since these people aren’t surrounded by people in their industry or who share the same perspective, this can lead to eye-opening interactions that can even spark a new idea or affect one’s way of working. This wider perspective leads to creative thinking and innovation, both of which are key components of a knowmad.

Defining Characteristics of Knowmads

With the previous information, you may have a better idea of the context around knowmads and how they came to be an important part of the conversation around the changing landscape in the workforce. You may even have a few people in mind that you think fit the basic description of a knowmad. If you’re curious about the features knowmads possess or if you want to develop these skills to make yourself more marketable in the job market, the characteristics below are what make a knowmad:

  • Knowmads don’t belong to a certain generation and they don’t fall into a specific age range. This means that anyone can develop the traits and skills to be a knowmad.
  • They keep up with digital trends and developments and in many cases are digital natives. This is vital because they use a lot of technology when performing their professional duties and when problem solving.
  • Knowmads can work from many different places and settings and aren’t limited to an office space in a building. They may work from home, from a coffee shop, in another country. This is part of the reason the previous point is so important.
  • A knowmad’s knowledge comes from a variety of sources, from explicit information to tacit experiences, making it well-rounded and diverse. They use this personal knowledge along with research to master information and share it for the benefit of their team. They aren’t afraid to share information or to ask others to share their own knowledge and expertise because they see this as a benefit.
  • Beyond just being creative and innovative, knowmads also tend to be restless and have a curious mind. They are constantly looking for opportunities to learn something new or expand their knowledge. They learn quickly and can apply their new knowledge to their practices and work.
  • Knowmads are great at working in teams and aren’t intimidated by the idea of someone shining brighter than them. They like to collaborate and are great at networking and adapting to new organizations.
  • They are passionate about what they do and aren’t afraid to let it show. They are resilient and will adapt easily to new situations to make it work.
  • Knowmads aren’t afraid of failure. Of course, they don’t want to fail but when something doesn’t work out, they use this as a learning opportunity.

Why You Need a Knowmad Logo

If you define yourself as a knowmad or if these are characteristics you’re working on developing, you’ll want to ensure people can identify you as such. Being a knowmad is no small feat because it takes work and discipline, and the benefits you can bring to a company are something you can market.

To ensure you stand out among your peers, let potential employers know that you possess these skills through your brand. Your brand is how you present yourself, from the image you present online to your portfolio of work. An easy way to start creating a cohesive brand is by making a logo that defines you, that conveys your strengths, and that shows your adaptability. When you’re ready to design your logo, you may be intimidated by the design process if you’re not well-versed in it. Luckily, we have plenty of tips to help you along.

Design Your Logo to Highlight Your Strengths

As a knowmad, you may have some design skills. You may not be a trained designer, but the skills you’ve learned can help you create a logo that represents your brand. If this isn’t your strong suit, that’s fine because there are plenty of tools that will help you make the best of your skills.

Using a quick logo maker, you can design your own without any trouble. Once you have chosen the tool you want to use for your design work, keep these main points in mind to ensure you end up with a bold and eye-catching logo design.

Know Your Personal Brand

Creating your knowmad logo is very similar to when you’re building a personal brand because it will be how people identify you and remember you. Before you get to work on your logo, think about your defining characteristics, your abilities, your strengths, and anything else you want to communicate through your brand.

You’ll want to highlight the most important aspects, so write these down to keep you centered as you work. Don’t forget that you can also include aspects of your personality if they’re relevant to your brand or if you think they’re something that add value to your brand as whole.

Gather Your Inspiration

Once you have the first part done, it’s still not quite time to get down to designing. Before jumping into that, you’ll first need to get a better idea of what you want your logo to look like. The easiest way to do this is by looking for some logo design inspiration.

You may already have some ideas floating around in your head, so look for examples of these ideas so that you can get a better idea of what works and what doesn’t. Look at logos that combine text and icons, typography-based logos, and different color logos.

Don’t focus your research on just huge companies, and try to look at other professionally designed logos for smaller brands. There are plenty of spaces online where you can look at logos designs, from Pinterest to Behance. As you look around, take note of the things you like so you can try to implement them in your logo and of the things you don’t like so you can avoid them.

Choose the Right Color Palette

Have you ever stopped to consider how important the colors used in a logo are? If you haven’t, think about how different a logo would be if you changed its color. Some may be unrecognizable simply because of a color shift. For example, Facebook’s iconic blue is easy to identify all on its own without the F logo. If you change the color of the logo, would you know it was Facebook or would you second-guess yourself because the color is off?

After thinking about all of this, it’s safe to say your color palette matters more than you may have thought. It’s also worth mentioning that different colors represent different things, so you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right colors for what you want your logo to communicate. While you want your logo design to stand out, you want to avoid having it stand out for all the wrong reasons.

To choose the right color palette for your logo you first have to know what each color evokes.

  • Red: This color shows passion, energy, and is associated with strong emotions. It’s attention-grabbing for sure, so use it wisely.
  • Yellow: Yellow is the color of happiness and is visible from just about anywhere. Use it with lighter tones so that it’s not overpowering.
  • Green: Green is often associated with earthy things, but it can also represent safety when used in a logo design.
  • Blue: This color is known for being calming, soothing, and professional. A lot of powerful businesses have a shade of blue in their logo, which may also be a reason it’s associated with success. It’s definitely a great option to consider.
  • White: White is often associated with purity and innocence, and in logo design, it’s a very powerful color. It can add a bold simplicity to your design, and don’t forget that white space is also a powerful design tool.
  • Black: Black may seem like a basic color, but when used in logo design, it’s powerful and shows authority. The simple yet bold look of it can give your logo strength.
  • Grey: Using this color has become trendy because it’s a great alternative to black. It looks refined, simple, and powerful and goes well with a plethora of other colors.

Select an Icon That Defines You

Your logo can be entirely made up of typography or it can include an icon. If you choose to include an icon in your design, make sure it adds to your logo and isn’t just in the way. To decide if the icon is needed, try looking at your design without it to get a clearer idea of what it contributes to your logo.

The icon you choose to use should match your brand and communicate something important. Take Target’s logo as an example. The bullseye in their logo matches the brand’s name and it tells you what the brand is. In fact, this icon can stand alone and you would know exactly whose logo that is.

Of course, for some brands, this sort of identity is developed through time. When Target first started, this logo may not have been as easy to recognize. Because the icon makes sense for the brand and because of its simple yet bold look, the logo has become iconic and is easy to recognize with a single glance.

Keep all of this in mind as you work to develop your logo so that you can develop a design that can become as easy to recognize and as timeless as those logos you love.

Get to Work on Your New Logo

With these tips, you’re definitely ready to get to work on your logo design. What other tips do you have for creating a great knowmad logo? Let us know!