Resume Builders vs. Traditional Resume writing
Feb 27 2017
Recruiters’ attitudes vary extensively, depending on the industry. A candidate applying for a job requiring creativity, such as an interior design firm may have it easy landing an interview using an online generated resume, as they come in various attractive templates from which to choose. Other recruiters, however, are more comfortable going through a resume that has been written from scratch. A basic background research will help a potential candidate to land the dream job they are seeking.
the courtesy of A.Meyer unsplash.com
Resume Builders through the Eyes of Recruiters: Survey Findings
Susan Adams, an editor at Forbes, notes that recruiters will spend about 6.25 seconds going through a candidate’s resume. This is according to research done by TheLadders.com, which also ranked professionally rewritten resumes at 60% score, which is higher than amateur resumes at 40%. The study notes that recruiters prefer the former, due to their better organization and readability compared to those written from scratch. The Ladders examined 30 recruiters over a period of 10 weeks using eye-tracking software to note how they reviewed resumes. Ladders charge a total of $395 for a professionally written resume, clearly indicating that this fee may not be favorable to many.
Recruiter Table Battle: Generated Resume vs. Written From Scratch
Despite the statistics above, Susan Adams argues in favor of traditionally written resumes. While interviewing Jim Borland, a New York career coach, they both agree that it is best to write the resume yourself, as the interviewing panel may reveal that the professionally written resume is clearly not yours. Adams concludes that it might be helpful to consult a career coach or research and utilize a good online sample to do your resume, rather than have it written by online resume builders.
Form vs. Substance: What Online Resume Builders Can and Can’t
Online automatic resume builders are great tools to use to get a quick job done. However, using them requires that you proofread for any errors. The candidate should be sure to get right the names of previous employment companies or any other relevant information. Furthermore, some resume builders usually ask for specific information to fill in the different sections. In this case, a problem may arise where one tries to upload a previously done resume, which may prompt you to try a few more times before it is accepted.
Resume builders usually present the complete resume in a different format from that offered by applications such as Microsoft Windows word. Adoption problems can come in where one intends to download and edit it on his/her PC. Perhaps the worst downside to it is that you will not necessarily learn how to write a CV after using an online resume builder, despite the fact that you have to input the necessary information you would like included on the resume.
In spite of all the disadvantages, online built resumes continue to trend within the business world, with more recruiters adapting to the changes. Online builders can make your resume stand out from the rest, using graphics and attractive fonts. Also included, are candidates’ strengths, and experiences where recruiters are keen to look. With easy access and necessary process to complete the resume, online resume builders are likely to gain recognition and popularity over traditional resumes.
Limitations of Online Resume
As online resume builders gain more popularity in job searching, they have also faced various shortcomings which have either lowered their credibility or their reliability. First and foremost, online resume builders may face the challenge of limited fonts and formats. A potential candidate might be forced to choose from the available designs which may fall short of a company’s expectations. Moreover, these formats may be different from those offered in applications such as Windows Microsoft Word, which may make further resume editing an uphill task
Secondly, online resume writing is limited to those with access to technology. Since technology is readily available in many affordable forms such as smartphones and tablets, adoption of the online resume trend will remain limited to those who can access supporting technology. Finally, online resume writing systems may bring with them logistical complications. The availability of technology means that the best-suited candidates may have their CVs done online while living halfway around the world, saying that jobs applied over a great distance have minimal opportunity for a more personal interview.
Pros and Cons
Online generated resumes are mostly stylized, made custom depending on the industry where one is applying for a job. These resumes are therefore attractive at first glance and appealing to the interviewing committee. If there is one thing that online resume builders are good at; they do their research extensively. Most of the reputable sites are well versed with the trends in resume writing and are thus aware of what the companies prefer. These sites are keen to highlight the candidate’s key strengths using beautiful subtle graphics. Showing up at a job interview with an online generated resume will more than likely boost a candidate’s esteem, as it easily stands out from traditionally written resumes.
On the contrary, Online resumes also fall short of a few credits. These resumes are specific to certain industries, meaning that not all the employers favor them. It may be a disappointment to be turned down even before the interview day, so a background research may be helpful to reveal if a company is receptive to CV writing or not. A potential candidate may come across as less professional if the enterprise prefers traditional resumes to online generated ones. The candidate may as well miss out on certain opportunities, as the design of an online resume is likely to expose employment gaps. Finally, not all sites give a free service. The added cost of a professionally written C.V may restrict them to those who can afford them.
In conclusion, there’s a blurred line that separates the resumes produced by online builders and those written from scratch. It’s not easy to say with certainty which one is preferred over the other, as some employees would rather go the traditional way. The method used depends on the company’s preference where a candidate is seeking a job.