How to show multiple positions on your resume
Dec 12 2016
Job seekers holding multiple positions at the same company are faced with a dilemma: describe every position in detail (and use up valuable resume space), or consolidate for greater readability?
The following are tips on how to show multiple positions on your resume:
- How recently did you work at the company?
If your most recent work history is with the company, then separating out individual positions is usually the best bet. Recruiters/hiring managers tend to focus heavily on the last 10-12 years of a candidate’s work history. By this logic, if the company you’ve held multiple positions at falls outside of this range, consolidate responsibilities and accomplishments within a single entry.
- What did you achieve during your time at the company?
Results matter more than anything else on a professional resume. Analyze your history at the company in question with an eye towards concrete successes. Do you have enough to justify listing positions separately, or would consolidating them into a single entry present you more efficiently? A good compromise between these two options is only to list the MOST RECENT position separately, followed by a Career Note that briefly encapsulates older positions.
- How pertinent is your work at the company with regards to the type of position being targeted?
Detail is all well and good, but unless your work at the company directly ties into the kind of position you’re seeking with the resume, keep it short and to-the-point. There is nothing frustrates a hiring agent quite like slogging through extraneous work credits.
- Different Employers
Once you have many positions with various employers and you need to do your resume editing, you should incorporate the roles into similar occupations. Job seekers who have had some different employers will benefit from combining their previous tasks into categories. For example, if you had a series of jobs as an administrative assistant and full-time assistant for several different employers, create a subheading under it “Work History” called “Executive and Management Assistant Positions.” Above the subheading, put the start date of your first executive or administrative assistant position, then a dash, followed by the date of your last executive or administrative assistant position. Beneath this subheading, list the names of your business employers and describe duties that were common for each and every role.
- Same Employer
For those who have held several different positions with the same workplace, it is crucial to showcase that you’re promotable or able to work cross-functionally. “Within the heading “Work History, ” put the employer’s name, then the location and employment date ranges. Use the date you commenced working for the company and the day you left the corporation. After that, list your most current position, followed by an interval and the dates you were in that role. Under the title of your position, describe your obligations in one to 2 sentences. Keep your points brief. Repeat this for the other positions you held with the same company, listing them in reverse chronological order.
- Professional Competencies
Task hunters with a prolonged work history might profit from a functional curriculum vitae format rather than a date one. A functional application doesn’t contain the company name, title and career dates for each and every job; it combines components of every job you’ve had into professional competencies. Professional competencies are tasks and tasks you have performed in all of your jobs. “You may have done the same duties each and every job as a registered professional nurse, so it’s unnecessary to list individual nursing functions at several hospitals, treatment centers or physicians’ offices.
Resumes should be prepared with care and proper resume editing should be done. They should be thoughtfully proofread, updated, and tailored to each position. If you put time and effort into your resume, the chances are good that your potential employer will take the time to give it careful consideration.