What power words to use in your resume
Sep 07 2016
Courtesy of “Aaron Burden” from unsplash.com
Are you looking for some power verbs that you are going to include in the resume so as to make it stand out of competition? Well, Most of the resume points may start with same words. Sincerely, these are the same words that managers have heard for years to the extent that they have lost meaning and can no longer do much to show your accomplishments. There is a need to switch up some of the common words when updating your resume. You should try to be a bit creative. Try to use verbs and phrases with compelling and strong power verbs that are going to catch the eyes of your potential recruiters. No matter the accomplishment or duty you are trying to show off, there are some power verbs which are relevant. This article answers the question what power words to use on your resume?
In case you were in charge of initiative or project from the start to the finishing then you should avoid the word “led” and instead try the following;
- Programmed
- Produced
- Planned
- Oversaw
- Organized
- Orchestrated
- Operated
- Headed
- Executed
- Coordinated
- Controlled
- Chaired
If you created, developed or introduced project to a company then try the following phrases
- Spearheaded
- Pioneered
- Launched
- Introduced
- Instituted
- Initiated
- Incorporated
- Implemented
- Formulated
- Formed
- Formalized
- Established
- Engineered
- Founded
- Devised
- Developed
- Designed
- Created
- Charted
- Built
- Administered
Hiring managers normally go for teams which at a point has operated cost effectively or more efficiently. To show how much you saved for the other company try and use the following phrases:
- Conserved
- Consolidated
- Decreased
- Deducted
- Diagnosed
- Lessened
- Reconciled
- Reduced
- Yielded
Along those similar lines, if you are in a position of showing that your efforts in your previous workplace boosted your company’s numbers in some ways then you are bound to impress. For these cases you should consider the following phrases:
- Sustained
- Stimulated
- Outpaced
- Maximized
- Lifted
- Improved
- Generated
- Gained
- Furthered
- Expedited
- Expanded
- Enhanced
- Delivered
- Capitalized
- Boosted
- Amplified
- Advanced
- Achieved
- Accelerated
It might be you took efforts to bring your department invoice system out of Stone Age to the interweb age. For your incredible improvements and changes, you made use the following
- Centralized
- Clarified
- Converted
- Customized
- Influenced
- Integrated
- Merged
- Modified
- Overhauled
- Redesigned
- Refined
- Refocused
- Rehabilitated
- Remodeled
- Reorganized
- Replaced
- Restructured
- Revamped
- Revitalized
- Simplified
- Standardized
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Updated
- Upgraded
- Transformed
Show how you have been an inspirational leader by using the following;
- Aligned
- Cultivated
- Directed
- Enabled
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Guided
- Hired
- Inspired
- Mentored
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Recruited
- Regulated
- Shaped
- Supervised
- Taught
- Trained
- Unified
- United
Each company is grateful in the case of a new partner or a new source of funding. The phrases to use include:
- Acquired
- Forged
- Navigated
- Negotiated
- Partnered
- Secured
Because as you man phones and answer questions means a lot in meeting the needs of customers and advising them. Some of the words to express this include;
- Advised
- Advocated
- Arbitrated
- Coached
- Consulted
- Educated
- Fielded
- Informed
- Resolved
If your job included analysis, fact finding and research, then there is a high need for you to mix up your content with any of the following phrases
- Analyzed
- Assembled
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Discovered
- Evaluated
- Examined
- Explored
- Forecasted
- Identified
- Interpreted
- Investigated
- Mapped
- Measured
- Qualified
- Quantified
- Surveyed
- Tested
- Tracked
If writing, communicating, lobbying and speaking were part of your gig then you can use the following to express how compelling you were
- Authored
- Briefed
- Campaigned
- Co-authored
- Composed
- Conveyed
- Convinced
- Corresponded
- Counseled
- Critiqued
- Defined
- Documented
- Edited
- Illustrated
- Lobbied
- Persuaded
- Promoted
- Publicized
- Reviewed
If you managed your department’s request or enforced protocols, then the following are power verbs that can best describe what you did
- Authorized
- Blocked
- Delegated
- Dispatched
- Enforced
- Ensured
- Inspected
- Itemized
- Monitored
- Screened
- Scrutinized
- Verified
If you hit the goals of the organization and won a coveted departmental award, then do not forget to include this in your resume. Use power verbs such as:
- Attained
- Awarded
- Completed
- Demonstrated
- Earned
- Exceeded
- Outperformed
- Reached
- Showcased
- Succeeded
- Surpassed
- Targeted
No matter the accomplishment or duty you try to show off, the above are the best power verbs that can assist you accordingly. Check out the above list and be ready to make the resume more exciting. Always make it a primary goal gathering some powerful examples of what you can offer. It is your proof through action verbs and examples that are going to make your professional resume attractive and powerful to that of your competitors.