Final Cut: 19 BuzzWords to Strike from Your Resume
Dec 09 2016
A resume is the most important aspect of a job application. As such, job applicants are tasked with the responsibility of creating an appealing and engaging resume. Most candidates assume throwing in a few buzzwords in the resume garners support from the hiring manager. On the contrary, the words give the professional resume a dated and generic look.
Hiring managers spend less than two minutes looking at a candidate’s resume thus applicants need to create resumes that convey the message and make them stand out from the crowd within the short period. Additionally, large companies use software like the resume screener to reduce the initial pool of job candidates hence; loading the resume with jargon and buzzwords isn’t the coolest way to get noticed.
Our discussion deliberates on 19 BuzzWords to Strike from Your Resume:
- Results-driven
Every hiring manager knows job applicants want to offer the best they got but using this term won’t cut it A good job candidate knows how to describe past achievements using the right words. Rather than indicating you are results-driven highlight examples of the actual results you have achieved and how you accomplished them.
- Dynamic
The word is overly used to describe the applicant’s personality, but experts advise leaving some tasks to the hiring manager. The resume should only describe your work skills by including tangible results and quantifiable successes. Personality traits like dynamism only come off during an interview.
- Team player
Of course, job applicants need to indicate they can work well with other people but using the phrase team player doesn’t bring out the aspect effectively. Instead, list accomplishments that depict your ability to work with people using an example.
- Best of breed
Really!! The phrase is both irritating and uncouth. It doesn’t differentiate you from other job candidates. Hiring managers are more interested in what makes the applicant stand out
- Career objective
A while ago, the phrase made the punch line of any resume; not anymore. The phrase only depicts whatyou want to obtain from the position. Instead, include a list of your achievements or a summary of your skills based on the advertised position.
- Problem-solver
Of course, any work environment involves solving problems; the important question is what kinds of problems have you solved and their complexity. Use descriptive words like analytical, and creative to define how you solve problems.
- Seasoned
Have you become a pile of curly fries!! Job applicants use the phrase to describe their experience in a particular area, but it’s rather a cliche. Instead the word “skilled in” gives the impression that the person has worked in the area for a while.
- Responsible for
The phrase is unnecessary and doesn’t give insight into what the candidate has accomplished. Hiring managers prefer candidates who provide quantifiable results e.g. “I have managed Company Z’s production line for two years.” alternative phrases like grew or implemented are also applicable.
- Experienced
Drop this vague term and be specific. For example, if you have been a customer care executive manager indicate that you improved your representative’s response rate thus improving the retention rate.
- Hard worker
It’s rather obvious that no company will hire you if you haven’t worked hard but the phrase doesn’t convince the hiring manager about your efforts.
- Ambitious
While you may using the term to describe you are ready to take any challenge, a hiring manager views it differently. It implies you will soon be looking to move up the company because you won’t be satisfied in the job.
- Highly qualified
Job applicants use the phrase assuming it will make them stand out from the rest. On the contrary, it brings out the opposite. Hiring managers will focus on accomplishments, and skills you bring to the role.
- Microsoft word
Everyone has core competencies in Microsoft Office packages thus no need to include it in a resume.
- People person
The phrase feels cliche. Recruiters can only prove such traits when they have met and worked with the applicant.
- Self-starter
Given the busy work schedules that include meeting deadlines 24/7 stating that you are a self-starter doesn’t exhibit motivation or initiative. Instead, express your ability to work independently.
- Transformational leader
Job applicants use the term without translating it to actual experiences. Instead use specific skills to describe the phrase.
- Flexible
The phrase is quite the deal breaker, but recruiters prefer candidates who highlight actual examples that show they can deal with unpredictable work events.
- Familiar with
The phrase is rather ambiguous as any hiring manager doesn’t grasp what you are talking about.
- I, we, myself
Of course, the resume is about your skills, credentials, experience and expertise hence no need to include the pronouns.