2016 Spring Scholarship Winner
May 19 2016
Samuel Mursalin
A business graduate, with active interest in Marketing and Consumer Behavior. One of his favorite hobbies is to write. Starting from romantic songs to inspirational student counseling write-ups, his writings involve a wide array of topics, which portray his nature of thinking without boundaries. He aspires to become a Marketing Manager, as well as a professional resume writer who can motivate young aspirants with his writings.
Creative Workforce Transition Tips
There are millions of examples of bright and talented students, holding a Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPAs) on the north of 3.8 on a scale of 4, failing miserably in workplace while, on the flip side, there are double the examples of mediocre students, embracing less-than-respectable CGPAs, becoming successful after they get into their professional lives. So, what actually causes the bright to become dim and the dim to become stars? Just a subtle but a vital element. Ideal Transition of a Student to a Working Professional.
Often, such a transition can be very difficult even for the best of students.
The following is a list of probable problems that prospective professionals can face:
1. Over-Emphasis on Studies
The brightest students often get sucked in too much into education. Students lose the plot when their diligence to earn an A grade overtakes their knack to reap the real learning out of the education. In workplace, grades can only get a student, at best, to the interview room. Experienced interviewers can instantly differentiate the candidates who can be a potentially great asset for their companies. They need people who can work, not earn grades.
2. Lack of Vision
It must be said that students of the present are very adept in choosing which subject(s) they want to study. However, many fail to create a vision of what they eventually want to do in their lives with the priceless education that they have earned. It is important to be patient under pressure and wait for the right job rather than getting restless for any job. Students must set challenging visions for themselves that they are passionate about so that they can do something great for themselves as well as their societies.
3. Lack of Knowledge of What Skills Are Required to be a Success in Workplace
In hectic student life, students often forget to nurture skills that are essential to succeed in workplace. Leadership, teamwork, effective communications, negotiations and many other interpersonal skills are very important. Proficiency in tools used in workplace, such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Photoshop and many others can be added advantages for their entry level resume.
4. Not Maintaining a Widespread Network
Often, ex-seniors who are currently a working professional can be a great resource of learning. Maintaining a good network of such people is vital for success. At times, they are the ones who can provide a great job in their companies and help juniors during the transitional period.
5. Overlooking Part-time Working Opportunities for the Sake of Grades
While studying, it is very important to take the in-class learning into real-world setups in the forms of part-time working opportunities, even if it means working without a pay. Prior experience and knowledge before getting into a full-time job sets up the ideal platform for a seamless transition into workplace.
So, how can students complete this transition effectively and successfully? It is easier said than done. However, the following are a few things that can be useful for a good start.
1. Relating Classroom Teachings With the Real World
Classroom teachings have much more to offer than anyone can think of. Therefore, it is advisable not to memorize everything for the exam and forget them afterwards. Linking particular in-class topics with the scenarios in the real world can be a very useful learning, one that is more likely to remain fresher in the memories. For example, if a Biology teacher teaches that seeds can be bedded in wet cotton and made into small plants, students can come home and carry out the procedure themselves.
2. Deciding What One Wants To Achieve in Life
Life itself is a priceless asset and making full use of it is not just a motivation, it is a responsibility. Everyone has the power to be The Changemaker that the world awaits. Therefore, one must decide on where one wants to reach at the end of life. Everyone is passionate about something and it does not matter if society perceives a motivation unworthy. Even if someone is just an amateur photographer, with the right motivation and perseverance, he can tell a million stories through his photographs and raise smash the senses of happiness, tears, anger and responsibility of mass people. Address a real-life problem and solve it.
3. Nurturing Vital Interpersonal Skills
Skills like teamwork, leadership and communications are very important in workplace. In corporate world, there is no Lone Ranger. Most of the values and utilities created by companies are done collaboratively. Taking part in training sessions, workshops and conferences can be really helpful. In addition, following someone exemplary can be a good starting point.
4. Consulting with Professionals
Asking ex-seniors of one’s college who have successfully moved into the corporate world for advice can come in handy. Nothing beats experiential learning. Adopting ways in which the seniors have overcome the obstacles of transition from school to their professional lives is a great way to take preventive measures, rather than curing ones. In addition, many colleges arrange
career fests and other events so that students can consult with professionals for a smooth transition.
5. Visiting Office Premises
Everyone has someone familiar working in the corporate. If possible, students can pay short visits and learn how things are done by the professionals. This point is very much linked with point (1). For example, if a Marketing faculty teaches something about advertising and promotions, students can visit a nearby marketing or advertising agency to see how the same work is done in real life.
6. Getting Involved
As mentioned before, no real-life learning is better than experiential learning. Students should take up part-time jobs related to their field, join clubs that share their aspirations and learn from the experience.
I believe unpreparedness and hesitance due to lack of knowledge and experience are the major roadblocks to the fluid transition of a student into professional careers. If one possesses the right knowledge, skills and experience, success will merely be an issue of when rather than if.