How to write CV for scholarship application
Feb 16 2017
It is not easy to win a scholarship. Scholarships must be applied for if you wish to get one. When you send your application in, it is important that you always include a CV. The CV must be specifically designed for this. Tailoring your CV for a scholarship will help you to stand out from others who are applying for the same thing. You will also have a better chance of being successful.
In this article, we will have a look at how you can go about making your CV suitable for a scholarship application.
courtesy of A.Lin unsplash.com
Make Sure You Have All of The Relevant Information With You
Before you begin writing your scholarship CV, always make sure that you have as much relevant information as possible with you first. Then you can start creating a list of any awards, honors, education qualifications, achievements or other extracurricular activities that may assist you with this. Once you have created the list, put them under categories. Decide what should and should not be included and how to write your CV. There may be things that are not worth including on it.
Make Sure Your CV Is In the Correct Order
Once your list has been completed, you can now put it into a suitable order. It should: leave the reader with a good impression of who you are, be professional and objective. All achievements and other things on your list should be in descending order. Your latest achievements should be placed at the top of the list.
The Information On The CV
Information that should be on the CV include: your name, address, date of birth, phone number, email, any national education qualifications, your school results and scores, school activities, other languages you may speak, computer skills, hobbies (only ones that may suit the scholarship), work experience and any internships you may have done. Include an objective about how you want to achieve your goal and how the scholarship will help you do this. Never include personal information on your CV.
Always Be Honest, Truthful and Specific
Always make sure that everything on your CV is as honest, truthful and specific as possible. Avoid making things up and telling lies. Never include skills that you simply do not have.
Proof Read Your CV
Before sending off your application, make sure your proof read your CV first. Look for any mistakes that may have been made. Make sure all information is relevant and free from error. You do not want to have grammar or spelling mistakes as this is sure to get noticed very quickly.
All scholarships CV’s must look and read professional. Keep it all to one point and use a suitable font size. Never ask another person to write your CV for you. It is better that you do it yourself or buy CV online. You can also hire professional CV writer. It is worth looking up some scholarship CV’s on the internet to give yourself an idea of what they should be like. If necessary, make some changes. Ask somebody to have a read over it to make sure that you have not made any mistakes. Sometimes it takes a pair of fresh eyes to spot any errors that may be hiding in there.We wish you the very best in preparing for the scholarship you wish to apply for.